Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Grub photo at Barataria

Back in 2006 I was asked for a photo of a Bess Beetle grub to be used in the Barataria Preserve Visitor Center that was being built. I hadn't had the chance to see it until this year; on the last day of my vacation. We also had a nice time hiking some of the trails. Here are some photos...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Euphoria herbacea

Here is a shot of the Euphoria herbacea I found in West Feliciana Parish in June, and four of the 15 eggs she laid...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dynastes tityus pupae

First Dynastes tityus ("Eastern Hercules") to pupate - two females:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Cotinis nitida - pupal cells

This is a photo of most of the pupal cells I uncovered last night -
104 of them...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


The first eggs from my second captive bred generation of Gymnetis:

Adult C. nitida

Monday, April 12, 2010

Phasmid hatchlings

I know these are not beetles -but- my phasmid eggs finally hatched. These were from the lone female that Travis spotted during our trip to central Louisiana last summer.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Dynastes tityus grubs

This is what 57 tityus grubs look like:

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Here is the same grub 3 hours later:

.. and here is the shed skin. You can see where the head capsule splits into three parts:

Dynastes tityus grub: 02/09/10

I spotted this grub just molting to L3:


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Gymnetis caseyi

The first adult to emerge from the grubs of the beetles Michael and I caught last summer

Cotinis nitida

I wanted to post a pic of a few of my C. nitida grubs. I was sorting large and small grubs into separate containers.

Dynastes tityus grub: 01/27/10

Here is a shot of what the D. tityus grubs look like now:

I currently have 59 of these, and they are all hungry.